Re: A86: Re: Re: Re: Re: I was wondering if someone could help me...


Re: A86: Re: Re: Re: Re: I was wondering if someone could help me...

     Getting a picture on the pc to a 8 greyscale picture on the calculator. 
I got up to the point of using Istudio, but I haven't been successful in 
getting pictures with a height higher than 64 to work on the ti86. I pasted 
the clipboard information from a picture 128x128 from Istudio into 
8shades.asm. Then I tried to compile rle8test.asm. The program came out 
alright, but it was still a 128x64 picture and it was all bunched together.

I used Assembly Studio 86 to compile it. I haven't really tried anything 
with asm before and I don't really know where to go with this now. I tried 
to paste the info into other .asm's but they worked their's differently. 
What could I paste the information from Istudio so that it would work?

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