A86: Re: clear entries
A86: Re: clear entries
It's not pulling it out of nowhere, silly! =) The last entry is stored in
the # program. (The ! might also have something to do with it, not sure).
Your search was unsuccessful because it is tokenized... The last entry can
be as big as you want, and it is stored in a program for that reason. The
previous entries can only be so big as they are stored in the buffer.
----- Original Message -----
From: <ComAsYuAre@aol.com>
To: <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2000 6:52 PM
Subject: A86: clear entries
> Has anybody figured out how to clear all the entries? It's easy to get
> of all but the latest one, but I haven't managed to get all of them.
> what I've tried:
> ld (_LASTENTRYPTR),hl ;entry stack pointer is at start of stack
> xor a
> ld (_numlastentries),a ;one entry
> ld (_currlastentry),a
> ld b,$80
> call _CLRLP ;clear last entry stack
> ld hl,_monQueue
> ld b,16
> call _CLRLP ;clear monitor queue
> ld hl,_ram_cache
> ld b,_Flags-_ram_cache
> call _CLRLP ;clear temp ram
> Despite all this, it appears to be retrieving the "last" entry out of
> nowhere. I've even used ti86emu's memory searching ability to check the
> ENTIRE contents of the rom and ram for the last entry typed. As strange
> it sounds, it doesn't exist--until I hit 2nd+enter, upon which it pops up
> several places.
> Very strange...
> ----
> Jonah Cohen
> <ComAsYuAre@aol.com>
> http://linux.hypnotic.org/~jonah/