Re: A86: apology and asm question!
Re: A86: apology and asm question!
The RAM locations are called _wintop and _winbottom. They are defined in by Clem. _clrWindow clears everything between wintop and
winbottom. This means that you can have a menu line on top of the screen.
The values on _wintop and _winbottom get resetted after going to the 2nd mem
ram screen.
Andreas Finne
>I do know that on the 85 there are a couple of places in RAM keeping the
>starting and ending rows for the screen to scroll at (cursor rows, not vid
>mem rows)...I could look up the location on the 85, but that wouldn't help
>many 86 users, I'd s'pose ;) Anyway, might wanna play around with that...
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