Re: A86: apology and asm question!


Re: A86: apology and asm question!

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000 15:14:20 -0500 (EST) Diego Pontoriero
<> writes:
>one for assembly.  Is it feasable to have one running as a TSR at the 
>screen?  I have played around with user interrupts (Built in TI-OS 

sounds possible, depending on how much processing/animation you do
it would slow down math calculations, of course

>input keep going to the bottom of the screen.  Is there a way to 
>the size of the text input as if a menu was opened (IE: when you hit
>program, your text goes up a line and you are left with only 7 lines 
>input).  Then the character could dwell in the bottom line and hang
>around, and if it's possible to detect more free space on the home 
>(less lines of input used) it could roam around more freely.  There 

_winTop                   equ         0D13Dh
_winBtm                   equ         0D13Eh

there are calls that will reset this based on menu state, so i don't know
how long it would stay if you change these.  you could tell it there
actually is a menu up, it would probably be easier to just bring up a
menu, erase any menu items, and write over it on the screen.
what if you superimposed it on a grayscale buffer?

>a taskbar on the home screen (like the icky start bar in windows).  



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