Re: A86: Quick question...
Re: A86: Quick question...
> A quick question for you guys. How would you display the contents of a
> register (like A) onto the screen? Probably someting simple, and I'm just
> making it too hard ;)
Different registers require different routines (8 or 16 bit). This is
my 8 bit displayer, takes [A] as input, outputs a one to three digit
(leading zeroes removed) decimal result at the current pen coordinates,
and probably could be made more efficient but oh well.
There are also several routines that display HL, none of which have I
right now, and few of which have I ever had success with for some
reason. Look for DispHL (i think).
Cassady Roop
AtoDEC: (crazy name, I know)
ld h, 0
ld l, a
ld b, 3
ld de, tempnum+2
call _hldiv10
add a, 48 ;convert to char code
ld (de), a ;store it to temp space
dec de
djnz atodecmain
ld hl, tempnum
xor a
add a, 48 ;char code for zero
cp (hl)
jr nz, atodecdisp
inc hl
cp (hl)
jr nz, atodecdisp
inc hl
call _vputs ;display it at current pen coords
.db $00,$00,$00,0