A86: Off-topic and excessive mass posting
A86: Off-topic and excessive mass posting
The off-topic discussions and excessive mass-postings going on on this list
has to stop. Now.
This goes out to *all* those participating in these discussions. Feel free
to continue your off-topic discussions in private e-mail, or any mailinglist
*not* run by ticalc.org. But take it off this list.
This list is for discussion of TI-86 related assembly issues. Nothing else.
There are about 150 subscribers to this list, and I doubt that more than
five of those are even remotely interested in this off-topic junk.
To give everybody a chance to receive this message, no action will be taken
until after 20:00 GMT today (that's almost 12 hours from now - there is no
excuse for not seeing it in time...). After that, anybody continuing these
off-topic posts will be removed from the lists. Further abuse will lead to
banning from any possible future subscribing.
Magnus Hagander
List manager, ticalc.org mailinglists