A86: Question regarding the 86


A86: Question regarding the 86

I think I know the answer to this, but wanted to get an exact answer.

Why is it when a calulator crashes, it erases everyhting on it? When a 
computer crases, the files are left untouched. I assume the calculator wipes 
everything because its files are stored in ram, and when the ram gets 
corupted, it needs to clean the slate (wipe the memory) to get back to its 
runnig state.

Anything in RAM on a computer is lost when the computer is shut off, and 
sense the calculator holds stuff in RAM, it is wiped when shut off [ ex. 
battery removed to get out of crash]

Now how do programs like chsmasc work? How is able to recover all the 
programs when the caclutlator crashes?
Could a shell be written to take advantage of how this works (So that if the 
calculator crashed, it would atomaticly restore all programs, or is that even 
possible?) If it were possible it would end the argument that basic programs 
were more stable :)

Author of the only Assembly IDE for the Mac
