Re: A86: New Shell/Differences between ROM versions


Re: A86: New Shell/Differences between ROM versions

> the main issue is, is it slow enough to make a difference?
> -josh

Definitely.  My shell, File Manager, has several rather neat features,
but is a crappy shell (at least at current version) because I used the
ROM's VAT search routines.  If you have three pages of variables, it
takes more than a second to display!  It really gets annoying because it
does it EVERY time you exit a program, and EVERY time you change
anything, so those 156000 cycles per prog really add up.  I'm working on
my own search routine, and I suggest anyone else that makes a shell to
do so as well.

Cassady Roop

> On Sun, 9 Jan 2000 12:48:27 -0600 "Brent Schneider" <>
> writes:
> >
> >But, _FindAlphaDn and _FindAlphaUp are REALLY slow. Chicane did some
> >kind of
> >research on it, and he found out it was just incredibly slow. So, if
> >you are
> >going to make a big nice shell, search the VAT. It's big, but it's
> >super
> >fast.
> >
> >> to find a list of prgm and string vars, repeatedly call _FindAlphaDn
> >(or
> >> up), starting with the name 1,0 (i think; 1 being the length byte)
> >and
> >> check the type for each var you find, adding only the ones you
> >want.
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