Re: A86: Attn: Bryan Rabeler
Re: A86: Attn: Bryan Rabeler
Please stop discussing this issue. For one thing, Bryan is no longer on the
list (for obvious reasons), and it's not really appropriate to discuss him
behind his back. For another thing, this is an assembly mailing list so
please try to stay on topic if possible.
In a message dated 2/24/00 8:34:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> I know that in my complaints, I said that iDanny instigated most of the off
> topic posting. I personally believe that there are several reasons that
> kicked Bryan and not iDanny:
> 1)Bryan has been posting off topic or borderline to most, if not all of
> lists on occasion. I know he has been involved in starting out of control
> off
> topic posting on A86 and TI-H, and was being blamed for an off topic tread
> on
> A89 when i first subscribed several months ago. He also was a major part
> off topic discussions on TI-B and a minor part in off topic discussion on
> A83. There are doubtless more complaints about him than iDanny or Serial
> A89) who restrict their idiocy to one list.
> 2)Bryan has been on the lists (I believe he was on all of them) for a lot
> longer than I have been seing posts from other off topic or belligerent
> posters.
> 3)Bryan is very vocally opposed to As much as they may deny
> this probably added additional reason for trying to remove him from the
> lists.
Jonah Cohen
<> (down)