Re: A86:dumbest guy alive


Re: A86:dumbest guy alive

> WTF, OK, now I KNOW you have no idea what your talking
> about. Jonah Cohen, David Philips, James R., CLEM,
> Chicane, established programmers...keep talking
> out of your ass while you don't know what's going on. Since
> Bryan has contributed the most, find an on-topic message
> for me in the past year, if you can't then shut the hell up.

Heh, me not know what I'm talking about?  That's pretty funny.
Do you know how long I've been on these lists?  Do you know
how many more letters I've read/posted than you?  Let me go
through some of the programmers you mentioned.

Clem is a great guy, but I don't think he's even subscribed to
a-86 anymore, and he hasn't posted since July 1999.  He was
quite helpful back then, though.  I don't know what James R.'s
e-mail address is and so I don't know how active he is on the
list.  As for Chicane, perhaps you forgot about
Kinda funny though, since you did reply to it.  A rather
amusing reply I might add.  "Argh I hate now."

Jonah has been a very strong member of this list for a long
time now, quite helpful.  If you recall the letter you replied
to (I am only writing this sentence because I think there's
a fair chance you don't), you recall I said that there are very
few established programmers on this list.  The vast majority
left long ago, are too busy to keep up with the list, or never
joined in the first place.  For every example of an active
programmer on this list, I could easily give you 10+ examples
of programmers who are not.  Also, I said that the majority
of the established programmers who ARE on the list are the
ones who participate in the off-topic threads.  A recent
example for Jonah is the beginning of the "dumbest guy alive"
thread (which I just now noted this letter is a part of as well).

I have grown tired of wasting time on this letter, so I will stop
here.  I'm sure everyone can see where I'm going with this
(except maybe danny), so the act of defending my previous
postings has been completed.  Are there programmers actively
participating on this list?  Yes, maybe half a dozen out of 200
who post more than once a month.  And those are the people
who most often participate in off-topic discussions as well.

Oh, I know everyone on this list but danny knows the
contributions Bryan has made to this list, so I don't feel much
obligation to prove it.  I was going to make up a whole page
from the archives, but like I said, I have grown tired of this
(I've already spent 20 minutes or so writing this, and that
would take another half hour), and there wouldn't be much
point.  So here's one on-topic post (randomly picked from
the archive I was already in):

(My original posting, just so nobody forgets:)

>> In addition, your letter was basically wrong.  Most of the
>> established programmers aren't even on the list, and the
>> ones that are are often the only ones who take part in
>> off-topic converstations.  And there's nobody anywhere
>> ever who has contributed more on-topic helpful pieces
>> of information to any calculator list than Bryan.
