Re: A86: Re: Porting Question
Re: A86: Re: Porting Question
Right, 2-7 are user memory, so your string will be in there. To compile
something as a string, use Asm Studio's "compile as string" option :)
To copy the string onto page 1, I would do something like this...
ld hl,string-1
rst 20h
rst 10h
ret c
ex de,hl
ld a,b
call _load_ram_ahl
call _RAM_PAGE_1
out (5),a
ld de,-16384
add hl,de
ld de,$8100
ld c,(hl)
inc hl
ld b,(hl)
inc hl
dec bc
ld a,b
or c
ret z
ld a,h
jr nc,copyloop
ld h,$40
in a,(5)
inc a
out (5),a
jr copyloop
...but that's just because I like doing things the hard way. _mm_ldir
would probably be better, I'm sure someone else will post something
about it... wrote:
> Ok, I think I got (RAM) page 0 is basically system memory and asm
> exec memory. page 1 is completely free (but whats the deal with the FPS
> stack and ops?). pages 2-7 is just storage. Is that right?
> so assuming my string is store on one of pages do I copy from one
> swapping page to another? and how do I compile as a string?
> thanks,
> ~Adamman