A86: Re: Fw: dumbest guy alive


A86: Re: Fw: dumbest guy alive

This is one of the funniest things I've read in quite a while!
Thanks for the laugs Kirk and Jonah...

>> dhp178:     hey
>>  ComAsYuAre:     who is this?
>>  dhp178:     u don't know me but i got ur sn from this TI-86 program that
>> am trying to get
>>  ComAsYuAre:     ah
>>  dhp178:     yea
>>  dhp178:     all the ones i find i have to unzip and it doesn't have what
>> put on the calculator
>>  ComAsYuAre:     do you have the ti-graph link software?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     and a cable?
>>  dhp178:     i have the link cable
>>  ComAsYuAre:     do you have the software?
>>  dhp178:     i am not sure about the link software
>>  ComAsYuAre:     do you have a computer->calc link or a calc->calc link?
>>  dhp178:     i have a computer and a cable link
>>  ComAsYuAre:     alright good
>>  ComAsYuAre:      <A HREF="http://www.ti.com/calc/docs/link.htm">TI-GRAPH
>> </A>
>>  ComAsYuAre:     get the software from there
>>  dhp178:     isn't the link the cable where u can hook it up to another
>> calculator?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     no
>>  ComAsYuAre:     you need a computer->calc link
>>  ComAsYuAre:     you have to buy those separately
>>  dhp178:     ok i don't have that
>>  dhp178:     damnit!
>>  ComAsYuAre:     well then you can't send stuff from the computer
>>  ComAsYuAre:     you can get a link at staples or office depot for about
>>  dhp178:     but where can i get the programs?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     at that link
>>  ComAsYuAre:     http://www.ti.com/calc/docs/link.htm
>>  dhp178:     yea but it doesn't have the games
>>  ComAsYuAre:     oh you can get games at www.ticalc.org
>>  dhp178:     ok thanks
>>  dhp178:     well i gg but i will be back in like 5 min.
>>  ComAsYuAre:     ok
>>  dhp178:     hello i am back
>>  dhp178:     how do the programs look like
>>  ComAsYuAre:     what?
>>  dhp178:     does drug wars start out like this?...
>>  dhp178:     2 squaresDRUGWARS2quars
>>  ComAsYuAre:     umm
>>  ComAsYuAre:     i really have no idea what you're referring to
>>  dhp178:     i don't know if the one i am looking at is the stuff that u
>> supposed type in my calculatoe
>>  dhp178:     i want to program a game on my calc but i need to do it
>> and i don't know how the stuff i am supposed to write look like
>>  ComAsYuAre:     well i dunno
>>  dhp178:     how do they usually start out?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     what kind of a program are you trying to write?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     asm or basic?
>>  dhp178:     i don't know the difference
>>  dhp178:     i'm sorry
>>  ComAsYuAre:     well then i would say read the manual on programming
>>  dhp178:     just got it
>>  dhp178:     k
>>  dhp178:     how can u tell if it is asm or basic
>>  ComAsYuAre:     the manual explains basic programming
>>  dhp178:     ?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     asm is something very complicated which you don't have
>> worry about
>>  ComAsYuAre:     the manual explains basic
>>  ComAsYuAre:     you can only do asm programming on a computer anyway
>>  dhp178:     ok so then it is basic
>>  ComAsYuAre:     yes
>>  dhp178:     no i just have to figure how to program pool and drug wars
>>  ComAsYuAre:     well you can do that in basic
>>  dhp178:     yea i know
>>  dhp178:     but i have to figure out how to do pool and drug wars
>>  dhp178:     and i can't find a place where it just shows it
>>  ComAsYuAre:     shows how to write the games?
>>  dhp178:     yea
>>  ComAsYuAre:     dude you have to write them yourself
>>  dhp178:     there isn't a place where it shows it and then u just copy
>> bye typing it urself and the calc
>>  ComAsYuAre:     no of course not
>>  ComAsYuAre:     ti doesn't endorse drug-dealing!
>>  dhp178:     probably not
>>  dhp178:     what about pool
>>  ComAsYuAre:     of course not
>>  dhp178:     so u have to do it all by urself
>>  ComAsYuAre:     yes!
>>  ComAsYuAre:     ti made it programmable so people could do it themselves
>>  dhp178:     noo!! i will never know how to do it!!!!!
>>  ComAsYuAre:     then buy a graph link and download them
>>  dhp178:     then it is 20%
>>  ComAsYuAre:     what is?
>>  dhp178:     mean the link is 20$
>>  ComAsYuAre:     yes
>>  dhp178:     do u know used?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     and the gov't wrote drugwars
>>  ComAsYuAre:     so all you have to do is request DOD Document #20987G,
>> DrugWars
>>  dhp178:     where?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     it's a branch off whitehouse.gov
>>  ComAsYuAre:     i'll look for it
>>  dhp178:     ok
>>  ComAsYuAre:     http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/about_pubs.html
>>  ComAsYuAre:     you have to request "DOD Top Secret Document #20987G
>> DrugWars for the graphing calculator"
>>  dhp178:     do u put that under the search thing?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     no you have to write to the email
>>  ComAsYuAre:     dpcintrn@osd.pentagon.mil
>>  dhp178:     oh ok
>>  dhp178:     so i should be like hi i would like to request "DOD Top
>> Document #20987G DrugWars for the graphing calculator"
>>  ComAsYuAre:     exactly
>>  dhp178:     ok
>>  ComAsYuAre:     start with "Dear Sir:"
>>  ComAsYuAre:     since you're addressing a government official
>>  dhp178:     yea
>>  dhp178:     Dear Sir,
>>    Hi i would like to request "DOD Top Secret Document #20987G DrugWars
>> the graphing calculator"
>>  dhp178:     thats all i put
>>  ComAsYuAre:     sign it with your phone # & address.  otherwise they
>> do anything
>>  dhp178:     oh ok
>>  dhp178:     do u have the game?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     no, they have that too, it's another document
>>  dhp178:     have u played it?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     yes, the government gave it to me
>>  ComAsYuAre:     after my name and address and phone number
>>  dhp178:     and for pool i have to program the game myself
>>  dhp178:     and they send it to u via email
>>  ComAsYuAre:     yes, but the document from the government will help you
>> that also
>>  dhp178:     what is in the email
>>  ComAsYuAre:     what do you mean?
>>  dhp178:     what do they send u in the email
>>  ComAsYuAre:     they will send you confirmation of the document, but the
>> actual docs they send by postal mail, so you must provide an address
>>  dhp178:     k
>>  dhp178:     i still have to write pool on my own right?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     after you learn about drugwars, pool will be a piece of
>>  dhp178:     ok thanks
>>  dhp178:     have u played any of the 2 games?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     i played drugwars because i got it from the government,
>> i haven't gotten pool yet
>>  dhp178:     oh
>>  dhp178:     is drugwars good?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     it's awesome
>>  dhp178:     good
>>  dhp178:     how long did it take till they anwsered u?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     i figured on a day, but it's the government, so it took
>> week.
>>  dhp178:     ok
>>  dhp178:     thanks
>>  dhp178:     what r other good games?
>>  ComAsYuAre:     just look at pool first, the others will come to you
>>  dhp178:     ok thanks again
>>  ComAsYuAre:     glad to help
>>  dhp178:     see i just got it so i am kind confused about this stuff
>>  ComAsYuAre:     after you get the document it'll all make sense
>>  ComAsYuAre:     sorry i have to leave