Re: A86: questions numbering 3
Re: A86: questions numbering 3
On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 18:09:24 PST "Chris Manning"
<> writes:
> 2. Is there any way to make it so that the [sqrt]KEY is invisible
> in
> Ashell so that it can't be deleted?
from the ase documentation:
TI-86 Modules:
As you may have noticed, the TI-86 has built in support for modules,
which are basically single function libraries. ASE will automatically
NOT detect any modules on your calculator if this code is placed at
the beginning of your module:
bit ex_asm_module,(iy+anumeditflgs)
jp z,_errInvalid
This will also prevent your module from being executed by Asm(
using the same method that the Statistics add-on uses.
Here are the corresponding equates:
anumeditflgs equ 31
ex_asm_module equ 2 ; 1 = ASM module ok
_errInvalid equ 416Ch
unfortunately, making a program invisible from shells makes it so the
calc can't run it either.
> 3. How do you run a program from another program eg. kind of how
> the
> bomer program loads the bloke string(except i am trying to run a
> program)
_exec_assembly = $5730
load the program name into op1 first. information not stored in the vat
will probably be lost/corrupted by the program you call.
you can also call basic programs with _exec_basic ($4C47), but there are
stability issues involving the stop command
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