Re: A86: Re: sprites..
Re: A86: Re: sprites..
you store them in vars like this
x1: .db 0
x2: .db 0
then load em like this
ld a,(x1)
add a,2
ld (x1),a
or at the end of your prog try this (right before the
x1 = $
x2 = $+1
y1 = $+2
y2 = $+3
--- wrote:
> alright. i figured out that i just wasnt clearing
> the screen after drawing a sprite moving up or down.
> now that i got this, i have another question. i
> want to put multiple sprites on the screen at one
> time. but how do i know if one collides with
> another? how and where do i store the x&y coords
> for all sprites? thanks,
> EklipZ
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