Re: A86: Assembly Studio 8x, sending vars to VTI
Re: A86: Assembly Studio 8x, sending vars to VTI
> > but imho, sending keystrokes is a much simpler & more compact method
> > trying to go through the whole virtual link stuff.
> Agreed. The virtual link method is not the way to go (bad idea on my
> sorry). If there are API calls to setup the structures for drag/drop,
> sending the WM_DROPFILES message is probably the cleanest way to go. The
> best way would be to have VTI accept a message to turn the calc on and
> a file.
I didn't think of being compatible with Windows...
We are running an emulator, and that this emulator has a sort of 'hack' in
his emulation so we can transfer files directly into the Ti, that's great.
But it is maybe wiser to use a different way (VTI-link), so the calc
'feels' more at home...
Maybe this isn't neccesairy, so reactions are welcome.
Henk Poley