Re: A86: Zilog Z80 Microprocessor family manual is on!


Re: A86: Zilog Z80 Microprocessor family manual is on!

The Assembly Studio 86 help file has the same useful information.  I never
got the manuals (I tried twice and they sent me several books, but they
weren't the right one), so I can't say.  The only thing useful I could see
is if it described how the processor works internally.  I would be very
interested in seeing the design of a hardwired cpu like that, plus it would
give insight on programming.  But other than that, assuming that cycle times
are completely fixed, there are plenty of good documents on the cpu.

> The benifit is that it contain a lot of technical information that is hard
> to find in references.
> Every official Z80 instruction has about a page devoted to itself in the
> manual explaining nearly every detail.
> When I learned it, first I read a tutorial that covered all of the main
> concepts.
> Half a year later when I understood them, I looked in the manual and found
> lot of information that I hadn't understood before, but was usefull and I
> hadn't seen anywhere else.
> One other thing, most of the compact references had several errors in
> them... but they have become very acurate now.
> It is always nice to have it, but if you look hard enough, you'll probably
> find the information somewhere.

Follow-Ups: References: