Re: A86: Funny things with >frac.


Re: A86: Funny things with >frac.

In a message dated 4/8/00 6:42:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< I have a TI-86 calculator.  When I use the ">Frac" function (which I use a 
lot) I paste it to the home screan from my custom menu.  Usually, when I 
paste the function it adds "Ans" in front of it.  For some reason it's only 
been pasting the function lately.  It's very annoying.  Does anyone know how 
to make it start putting "Ans" in again?  Could it be caused by some assembly 
program?  If your answer includes an assembly program or any functions, 
commands, or terms related to assembly programming, please bear in mind that 
I do not yet know how to assembly program (maybe when I get some free time . 
. .). >>
In this case, your custom menu may be screwed up. Happens to me a lot using 
asapXCommand. If you use the custom menu, try redefineing items in it. If it 
does this from the other menus too, you probably have to reset.

Jeff Barrett
Co-founder and Director of TI Programming