Re: A86: (no subject)
Re: A86: (no subject)
> I was just wondering what the rom call for "_data_size_to_de", is.
> what is it's function?
I don't know the address offhand, but the function is to get the pointer to
the data in ahl right after calling _findsym (rst 10h).
ld hl,varname-1
rst 20h ;put in op1
rst 10h ;_findsym
;de=size of prog/string
;ahl->first byte in data after the size word
An alternate way to do this:
ld hl,varname-1
rst 20h ;put in op1
rst 10h ;_findsym
ld a,b
ex de,hl
;same output
_DATA_SIZE_TO_DE uses the pointer to the vat which _findsym outputs, whereas
_GET_DATA_SIZE_DE_INC uses ahl pointing to the start of the prog. Sometimes
you need to use the latter one, mainly if it isn't right after calling
_findsym (which is pretty much the _only_ time the former is of any use).
Both of these equates are in Clem's include file:, which is a very thorough include