Re: A86: adding entries
Re: A86: adding entries
get the last entry's size & location.
add the amount of space taken by the new entry
subtract one from _numlastentries if the last entry won't fit anymore.
move _lastentrystk and all the entries you're going to keep up by the
size of the new entry.
copy the new entry, including size word, to _lastentrystk.
add one to _numlastentries. (or combine this with the subtraction step
set _currlastentry to zero. (semi-optional)
;; get size of new entry to de first (incl size word)
;; and save addr of size word to _ABS_SRC_ADDR
ld a,(_numlastentries)
dec a ; last entry #
push de
call _GETLASTENTRYPTR ; get entry
ex de,hl
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
inc hl
add hl,de ; end of last entry
pop de
add hl,de ; end of last entry after insert
push de
ld de,_numlastentries ; end of _LASTENTRYSTK
call _cp_hl_de ; will it fit?
jr c,remove_last_entry
ld a,(_numlastentries) ; yeah, inc entry count
inc a ; otherwise remove&add one entry; no change
ld (_numlastentries),a
pop bc
push bc
ld hl,_numlastentries-1 ; destination
ld d,h
ld e,l
xor a ; zero a & clear carry
sbc hl,bc ; source
ld bc,_numlastentries-_LASTENTRYSTK
lddr ; moves more than you need...
call _SET_ABS_DEST_ADDR ; copy new entry in
pop hl ; get length of new entry
ld (_currlastentry),a
call _ABS_MOVE ; move ahl bytes
or something like that
i don't think there's any other ptrs to change
On Sat, 1 Apr 2000 12:29:00 EST writes:
> How can I add a home screen entry from an asm program. (Thanks to
> rabidcow) I
> understand how to use _compile to convert the ASCII and I also know
> how to
> use _GETLASTENTRY to figure out where the start of the data should
> be copied
> to. I am having problems figuring out how to move the other data and
> how to
> fix any pointers that would need to be adjusted.
> Thanks for any help!
> Andy
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