A86: Help w/ basic input/output in 86 Assembly


A86: Help w/ basic input/output in 86 Assembly

I'm a newbie to the ti-86 assembly programming
language and I'm curious as to how to make an assembly
program that would do a simple input/ouput routines
like, the User is presented with a prompt of sometype
to enter information, and when he presses a key, say a
number or letter, it displays what he types on the
screen.  One basic example program I'd like to convert
is a simple TI-BASIC program I made that asks for the
coordinates of two points of a line and calculates the

If anyone could give me pointers and advice, or even
convert the program below into assembly so I could
learn, it'd be helpful...

:Disp "     ** Slope **     "
:Input "[y2] ",Y2
:Input "[y1] ",Y1
:Input "[x2] ",X2
:Input "[x1] ",X1
:Disp >Frac
:Outpt(7,1," ")
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