Re: A86: emu question


Re: A86: emu question

_ILine will unfortunately copy pieces of the graph screen along with the line 
you want, so at the beginning of your program you want to clear the graph 

    ld hl,_plotSScreen
    ld de,_plotSScreen+1
    ld bc,1023
    ld (hl),0
    ldir                                ;fill graph screen with 0's

    set graphdraw,(iy+graphflags)   ;force re-graph

In a message dated 10/30/99 8:32:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> i am having a problem with Virtual TI.  My game that i am making, draws a
>  box using _ILine.  Under ti86emu by steve gordon, the box displays fine.
>  But, on Virtual TI and on the real calc, several small diagonal lines 
>  around the box, that don't appear on steve gordon's emulator.  Also, on my
>  game, i have hotspots which are triggered by you stepping on them.  the way
>  i implemented them is to check the tilemap for a special hotspot, execute
>  code asscociated with that hotspot (if triggered), and then remove the
>  hotspot from the tilemap so that it can't be triggered again.  On steve
>  gordon's emu, it works perfectly fine.  on Virtual TI and on the real calc 
>  run the program the first time, everything works, it displays the hotspot
>  tile and allows you to step on it.  i exit and run the program again, this
>  time it doesn't even display the hotspot.  its as if it was permantly
>  removed from the code.  It used to do this on the calc, but now it works
>  fine (although i don't know why).
>  does anyone know what is happening?

Jonah Cohen