Re: A86:Finding file size
Re: A86:Finding file size
yes, you can. see below
--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joshua J Seagoe <>
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 23:10:16 -0700
Subject: Re: A86: abs and rst $10
ti actually has documentation on findsym on their website. it does not
return the size of the variable, however there is a rom call that will:
_DATASIZE = $477f call it like this:
rst $10 ; findsym
ex de,hl ; make bhl -> data
registers are now:
bhl=ahl -> data (size word if there is one)
de = size of var (in bytes)
c = var type
carry will be clear
this will trigger a memory error if the var is >64k
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