Re: A86: Re: LCD stuff


Re: A86: Re: LCD stuff

are you going to release the code for the new version
of ZAC?
this little tip would be great to use in onther
programs or a shell

--- Clem <> wrote:
> > As near as I can tell, if the cpu hits $0000, the
> calc's going to be reset.
> > Somehow, when the lithium battery is in there,
> that doesn't happen.  But
> > why?
> I know !!! :)  I use a trick in the (upcoming) ZAC
> memory recovery system...
> When the cpu hits $0000, the TI-OS will test a
> checksum to determine
> whether the calc has been turned off correctly, or
> crashed...
> This checksum is located at _onCheckSum, and it's
> the 16 bit sum of the
> whole ram page 2... if you set this checksum
> correctly and your program
> crashes, when you remove one battery, put it back in
> and turn the calc on,
> it should work as if it was turned off correctly ;-)
> ---
> Clem Vasseur <>
> Icarus Productions <>

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