Re: A86: sqrtKEY: altKey & eshKey


Re: A86: sqrtKEY: altKey & eshKey

Clem was going to (or already did?) release some new include files.  Those
will most likely be included with the next version of Assembly Studio as the

> Ok, we definitely need them to set some better standards here...
> In the ACZ include file 'asm86.h', what we call 'altFlags' is called
> 'exceptionflg', and what you call 'eshFlags' is called 'exceptionflg2'.
> My include file, '', a composite of all the older include
> files I could find, lists 'altFlags' as 'userFlags' and 'eshFlags' as
> 'sqrtFlags'.  Clem's file '' lists them as they are in the
> ACZ file.  Texas Instruments include files and, both
> rather large files, don't list them at all.  All I DO know is that what
> I call sqrtFlags is (IY+$24).  What I call userFlags is (IY+$23).
> SQRTKEYINSTALLED is 6,(IY+$24).  By the way, what does 'esh' stand for?
> At least 'alt' makes sense, as meaning 'alternate'.  Below I have the
> ACZ and my versions of reality.
> Cassady Roop
> --from ACZ: asm86.h----------------------------
> exceptionflg equ $23
> alt_font equ 0 ; enable user font (5x7)
> alt_vfont equ 1 ; enable user font (variable width)
> alt_int equ 2 ; enable user interrupt routine
> alt_on equ 3 ; enable user on routine
> alt_link equ 4 ; enable user link routine
> alt_sqrt equ 5
> alt_grphexpr equ 6 ; enable (sqrt)EXPR
> alt_off equ 7 ; enable user off routine
> exceptionflg2 equ $24
> alt_parse equ 0 ; enable (sqrt)PARSE
> alt_form equ 1 ; enable (sqrt)FORM
> alt_exec equ 2 ; enable (sqrt)EXEC
> alt_home equ 4 ; enable (sqrt)HOME
> alt_cmdtok equ 5 ; enable (sqrt)CMDTOK
> alt_key equ 6 ; enable (sqrt)KEY
> alt_grf equ 7 ; enable (sqrt)GRF
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> --from wherever I got's myriad chunks from---
> userflags equ $23 ;controls _alt_exec routines
> userFont equ 0 ;big font installed
> userVfont equ 1 ;little font installed
> userInt equ 2 ;user interrupt routine installed
> userOn equ 3 ;on routine
> userLink equ 4 ;silent link (userSLink?)
> userOff equ 7 ;off routine
> sqrtFlags equ $24 ;controls the (sqrt)programs
> sqrtPARSEinstalled equ 0
> sqrtFORMinstalled equ 1
> sqrtEXECinstalled equ 2
> sqrtEXPRinstalled equ 3
> sqrtHOMEinstalled equ 4
> sqrtCMDTOKinstalled equ 5
> sqrtKEYinstalled equ 6 ;sqrtKEY control
> sqrtGRFinstalled equ 7
> -------------------------------------------------------------

Follow-Ups: References: