A86: evil routine
A86: evil routine
Please forgive me for posting a monster...
Although right now it is a monster without a heartbeat. It won't work,
and I don't know why.
This code is supposed to check if the user is at homescreen, ret if not,
then check if they pressed MORE, ret if not. Then it draws a title bar
and a little box, puts the current decimal precision in the box, and
waits for a keypress (I disabled sqrtkeyinstalled flag before getting to
that point so I can use _getkey). Then it loads that to the _fmtDigits
location and quits.
But it never gets past detecting kMORE. It always either crashes or
rets unless I help it out in the debugger and inject a keycode into
register A before it pushes AF. After that it does just fine. My
problem is that it cannot detect the MORE key. I've tried detecting it
through A, through the _ASM_REG_A, through someplace like _kbdscancode
(I don't remember); nothing works. I do know that if the keycode is in
A when my sqrtKEY is run, it gets trashed to $12 by _POPOP1, but I don't
even know if that is where the keycode is. I think it comes from
_ASM_REG_A, but that always seems to be $00. Any suggestions?
Thanks for putting up with all this crap,
Cassady Roop
.db $8e,$28 ;asm prog token
call _POPOP1
ld a, (_ASM_REG_A)
push af
ld a, (_CXCURAPP)
cp $01 ;is it the homescreen?
jp nz, sqrt_pop_quit ;if not, quit
pop af
cp $00
ret z ;if it is zero, then no key was pressed
jp nz, sqrt_quit ;if not, quit
res sqrtkeyinstalled, (IY+sqrtflags) ;disable, so I can use _getkey in
this routine
ld hl, $FC00
ld de, _plotSScreen
ld bc, 1024
ldir ;save the screen
ld hl, $FC00
ld b, 128
ld (hl), $FF ;8 darkened pixels
inc hl
djnz sqrt_blackloop ;loop until 8 rows are done
drawBox: ;draw box around precision indicator
ld hl, $FC90 ;start of row 9
ld (hl), $FE
ld hl, $FC90 ;row 9
ld b, 7 ;b rows of the following:
ld de, $0010 ;one row's worth of bytes
drawboxleft: ;draw the right side of the box
add hl, de ;next row
ld (hl), %10000010 ;draw bit 7, bit 2 dark, others light
djnz drawboxleft
ld hl, $FC90
ld b, 7
drawboxbottom: ;draw bottom side
ld hl, $FD00
ld (hl), $FE
ld hl, $0902
ld (_pencol), hl
ld a, (_fmtDigits) ;current precision value
cp $FF ff= float
jr z, sqrt_isFloat
call AtoDEC ;display the number of digits, inside the box
jr sqrt_keyloop
sqrt_isFloat: ;if it is FF, don't disp 255, disp 'F'
ld a, 70 ;'F' for Float
call _vputmap ;disp it
call _getkey ;safe because I disabled sqrtkey
cp kF1
jr z, set_float
cp kF2
jr z, set_ten
cp kF3
jr z, set_eleven
cp kF4
jr z, set_twelve
cp kF5
jr z, set_thirteen
cp $1C ;is it below numeric range?
jp m, sqrt_keyloop ;not a valid keypress
cp $26 ;is it above numeric range?
jp p, sqrt_keyloop ;not a valid keypress
sub k0 ;subtract _getkey value
jr sqrt_finish
ld a, $FF
jr sqrt_finish
ld a, $0A
jr sqrt_finish
ld a, $0B
jr sqrt_finish
ld a, $0C
jr sqrt_finish
ld a, $0D
ld (_fmtDigits), a ;write new value to memory
set sqrtkeyinstalled, (IY+sqrtflags) ;re-enable this routine
ld hl, _plotSScreen
ld de, $FC00
ld bc, 1024
ldir ;copy the screen back
ld a, kMORE ;last key that was pressed
ret ;or _jforcecmdnochar, but it never makes it this far anyway...
pop af
cp a
cp a
AtoDEC: ;displays A in decimal w/no leading zeroes
ld h, 0
ld l, a
ld b, 3
ld de, num_spot+2
call _hldiv10
add a, $30
ld (de), a
dec de
djnz atodecmain
ld hl, num_spot
xor a
add a, 48 ;char code for zero
cp (hl)
jr nz, atodecdisp
inc hl
cp (hl)
jr nz, atodecdisp
inc hl
call _vputs
.db $00,$00,$00,0