Re: A86: Freeware CD


Re: A86: Freeware CD

Don't need to....

Exert from readme.txt

This program is provided to the general public free of charge. It
may be distributed freely so long as the package is distributed in
its entirety with no modifications of any kind.
No warranty of any kind is given with this software, meaning we don't
think it will do anything bad to your computer, but you never know.

But most importantly, have fun programming!

  - Jeremy Goetsch



On Fri, 26 Mar 1999 17:15:10 -0800 Cassady Roop <>
>Be sure to ask if you can include Assembly Studio 86! (get permission
>from the coder, of course...)
>Chris Magill wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am in the process of creating a 100% freeware cd (not for selling 
>> anything just to pass around to my friends).  I was wondering if 
>> the owners of the Ti-Files or would create one zip file 
>of all
>> their available files so I could download it as it would  take quite 
>> time to download them seperately.
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Chris
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