A86: Re: Re: Re: Assembly-86 Digest V1 #900


A86: Re: Re: Re: Assembly-86 Digest V1 #900

Hehe...we thought about that (hope your using it to control a player and not
do the decoding!).

>From 86ports.txt by Alan Bailey (no offense, but do you people ever look for
stuff yourself?  it's not like this info is hidden or anything!):

port 7 - Link Port

Write -
    bits 2 & 4 - 1: makes red wire inactive
                 0: makes red wire possibly active if other calc says so
    bits 3 & 5 - 1: makes white wire inactive
                 0: makes white wire possibly active if other calc says so

Read -
    bit 3 - 1: white wire current stopped because this calc said so
            0: white wire possibly active
    bit 2 - 1: red wire current stopped because this calc said so
            0: red wire possibly active
    bit 1 - 1: white wire active
            0: white wire inactive
    bit 0 - 1: red wire active
            0: red wire inactive

Notes -
    This is the same as port 7 on the TI-85.  Basically, to make certain
wires active,
    do the following:
    EX:                                          ;these are the values
        ld a,%11010100      ;White wire ON                $D4  ;you should
        out (7),a
        ld a,%11000000      ;White wire ON, Red wire ON   $C0
        out (7),a
        ld a,%11101000      ;Red wire ON                  $E8
        out (7),a
        ld a,%11111100      ;nothing ON                   $FC
        out (7),a

    To check certain wires, do the following:
        in a,(7)
        and %00000011       ;only the lower two bits matter
        cp 3                ;bits 0 and 1 set
        jr z,BothActive
        cp 0
        jr z,NoneActive

> someone i know wants to use a 85 or 86 to be part of a mp3 player they're
> making.
> what i need is how exactly do i turn on or off either of the two wires of
> the link port.
> i know that this is an 86 list, but i assume the code will be the
> the link port on the same port on both the 85 and 86.
> i don't need to know how to send large amounts of data right now...i just
> need to know how to turn the wires on or off
