Re: A86: im a little stupid so i need some help
Re: A86: im a little stupid so i need some help
Yes, it's just a temporary storage's used if you want to store
your own variables rather than creating reals. For example, say that you
want to keep track of a variable called score...then,
ld a,0
ld (score),a
Then, at the end your prog store a to textshadow by
score = _textShadow
then next thing would be _textShadow+1 then +2, etc...but only 168 bytes
of data can be held there...
That way, you can create custome vars to work with, and not have to
create reals or worrying about register flags being destroyed. I think
that you can also store values to _varspace the same way, but var space
has more bytes so more vairables can be stored to it...
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