Re: A86: turning the run indicator off


Re: A86: turning the run indicator off

In a message dated 5/15/99 3:52:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> What is the difference between doing <call _runindicoff>   or doing         
>                       <res indicRun,(iy+indicflags)>
>  i know that using the call make the prog smaller but does using res 
>  indicRun,(iy+indicflags) make it faster (b/c it doesn't have to save pc 
>  jp some where in the rom and then come back)

technically, it's faster, but there's really not that much time saved.  
besides, a new rom version might change how the run indicator is turned off, 
and the call would just go to the new routine while the flag wouldn't.

summary: use the call