Re: A86: Clearing the Graph


Re: A86: Clearing the Graph

On Fri, 14 May 1999 20:29:16 EDT Nicolas P Zagorin <>
> Is their a ROM call to clear the graph of the junk your assembly 
>program outputs to it?  Also, when doing grayscale, do you have to 

yes, but this is probly faster:
 xor a
 ld hl,_plotSScreen
 ld (hl),a
 ld de,_plotSScreen+1
 ld bc,$3ff

rom call: (i think this works...)
 ld a,$11
 ld (_ASAP_IND),a
 call _exec_pg4

>have a sprite
>for each gray plane?

if you want the sprite to have all the gray shades in it, yes.


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