A86: Re: [OT] this might sound dumb but
A86: Re: [OT] this might sound dumb but
No (not that I remember), but it does seem like it won't open right away.
There are a couple of snap type connectors at the bottom on the inside, and
there is a sort of hinge (keeps it together) at the top. There is a site
(copied off the acz.org links page) that shows pictures of how to take apart
your calc: http://members.tripod.com/~jrapp/stuff/ You need to be careful
if you touch that display. Mess up the ribbon connector, and your display
is screwed.
Btw, for the site, check out the part about the EL-Backlight (I wouldn't try
> i cant get my calculator open. are there more screws to take out than the
> on the bottom of the bottom side?
- A86: Call
- From: warhorse <warhorse@bellatlantic.net>