Re: A86: Theory question
Re: A86: Theory question
about your problem with determining which signal to pick up...
i'm sure all of you have used a cb radio. most all have or have the ability
to output the transmission to a 3.5mm jack which (with a 2.5mm converter)
would connect to the link port.
you just set the cb to the "channel" you wish to be one and you'll recieve
your data.
the advantage to this is that i'm pretty sure that this could be had for
cheaper than the 20-40 for a radio link. i'll look into pricing (find
something small with nothing fancy like lcd's or anything)
----- Original Message -----
From: Cassady Roop <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: A86: Theory question
> All the schematics I've seen always stress that the links must be made
> in pairs. They are then calibrated with a trimmer resistor or coil to
> adjust transmission to a mutual frequency. It is unlikely, with the low
> population of people who have these links, that there are many with
> overlapping frequencies. Just watch out for the FCC thought police if
> you cross the public-frequency boundary, though. :)
> >The only problem is figuring out
> > which signal to accept in a room full of these radio links...