A86: new shell idea
A86: new shell idea
I have a new idea for a shell.
With all this talk of a calc network in order to save memory all asm progs
could be compressed on the computer. Then the shell would decopress the prog
to asm_exec_ram when the prog is ran. Then to save high scores and such the
prog would be compressed and recopied to the vat That way more progs could
fit on the calc.Most progs will need a little modification to work, just the
saving routines. If someone tries to run a compressed prog with "Asm(" they
will simply get and invaled error message
So far the only problem i see that defender uses another prog for data while
most others use strings.So defenders support prog would need to be
decompressed also
On a side note what happens to asm_exec_ram after a prog is ran? Say i run a
large prog that fills the area, then i run a small prog (say only 100 bytes)
what would be in the area of (asm_exec_ram+200)?? Would it be some random
number or would it be empty