Re: A86: Theory question [i think its about time we....]
Re: A86: Theory question [i think its about time we....]
And in six months, it'd be gone, just like every other system that's been
tried. Software is the key to a good system. Look at Game Boy. It's still
around after almost 15 years, even though it's far out-dated. Only if
someone introduced a truely revolutionary portable is there a chance that it
would survive. Perhaps the new Neo Geo...
(you how long you spend on an awsome game for the calc? now, multiply that
by about 10 and the difficulty by about 5, and you have what it takes to
develop for something like the gb)
> uh, this is kinda off topic, but I think that ti could make a really COOL
> gameboy like system...especially w/ the TOTALLY AWESOME assembly
> programmers...
> :)