A86: Re: Re: Updating ROM
A86: Re: Re: Updating ROM
That'd be cool, but I can't see a use for more than 512k or so on a z80
calc. If they do make an 86+, I'd hope they totally redo asm support and
allow you to have at least 48k of ram (without problems). They could make
$4000-$ffff totally free ram and execute asm programs at $4000, which would
still easily allow backwards compatibility for almost all 86 programs (using
an emulator, either in the rom or in a shell).
> I think so, UNLESS, he got an 86 Plus, which DOES have Flash Rom. BTW,
> does anyone know if the 86 plus will top 89 stats? I think they were
> looking at giving it more meme than an 89...