Re: A86: Re: collisions
Re: A86: Re: collisions
okay. i think i got it figured out excpet what register do i load the second
sprite into? i am puting the first one in 'ix' but i forgot what i was
going to do with the other one. this is what my code looks like for defining
the sprites and setting coords:
ld ix,Sprite1 ; Load Sprite one into 'ix'
ld b,1 ; set b coord to 1
ld c,1 ; set c coord to 1
ld XX,Sprite2 ; dont know what variable
ld d,10 ; load d with
coord 10
ld e,10 ; load e with
coord 10
call DispSprite ; display the sprites
to the screen
DispSprite: ;routine for displaying
Sprite1: ; simple smiley face
.db %00000000
.db %00100100
.db %00100100
.db %00000000
.db %01000010
.db %01000010
.db %00111100
.db %00000000
Sprite2 ; inverted smiley face
.db %11111111
.db %11011011
.db %11011011
.db %11111111
.db %10111101
.db %10111101
.db %11000011
.db %11111111