A86: I need Help


A86: I need Help

 ld b,10       ;b is 10
 jr randome    ;jump down

    ld a,65
    call _SetXXOP1
    ld a,90
    call _SetXXOP2
    call _randint
    call _CONVOP1
    call _putc      ;get and display a random number from register a
    DJNZ randome    ;decrease b (now 9) check to see if non zero (nope)
then jr to randome.
    ret            ;if it is zero, quit

when I run this, I get one random number, then the program terminates...
or maybe this was the one that never quit and kept going I can't
remember. I've tried moving things around, but I can't get it do display
only 10 numbers! Why!!!!