Re: A86: call _RANDOM


Re: A86: call _RANDOM

In a message dated 5/5/99 5:28:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> From ASM Studio:
>  _RANDOM Routine
>  Generates a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1 and stores it in OP1.
>  Output OP1 = random number between 0 and 1
>  How do I work this thing? Is OP1 a register or a "whatever you define it
>  as?" What would be an example of loading the result into a register "a"?
>  I have:
>      ld a, 0
>      call _RANDOM
>      call _INTGR
>      ld hl, a
>      call _puts
>  but it doesn't work

uh...there are about a million and a half reasons why that doesn't work :)
first, OP1 is _not_ a.  the OP registers are floating point registers which 
in reality are just ten bytes each in ram.  the a register holds only 
integers, so it would be impossible (or at least really dumb) to copy a 
random floating point number between 0 and 1 into a register which can't 
define floating points.  there are various ways of outputting OPs, the most 
simple of which is _dispOP1, which displays OP1 right-aligned like an answer 
on the home screen.

my guess is that you're looking for a random integer routine, in which case 
_randint is what you're looking for.  it gives you a random integer between 
OP1 and OP2 and stores t in OP1.  after you call _randint, you can call 
_convOP1 which will store the results into register a.

here is example code (not really efficient but illustrative) which displays a 
random number between 0 and 9:

	ld a,0				;lower value
	call _SetXXOP1		;OP1=0
	ld a,9				;upper value
	call _SetXXOP2		;OP2=9
	call _randint			;OP1=random number between 0 and 9
	call _convOP1		;a=OP1 (random number)
	add a,'0'			;convert to ascii format
	call _putc			;display character stored in a
	ret					;return from routine
