Re: A86: Line routines
Re: A86: Line routines
are the lines in a fixed location or do they move or have to be
if they're gonna be fixed, you can do something like:
ld hl,$fc44 ;start location ($fc00 + 16*y + x/8)
ld de,16 ;bytes to next line
ld b,21-1 ;height of line (h-1)
vloop: set 6,(hl) ;pixel within byte (x%8)
add hl,de
djnz vloop
set 6,(hl) ;pixel within byte
to draw a vertical line
also, do the horizontal lines start/end on a byte boundry?
starting on a byte boundry:
ld a,$ff ;8 pixels on
ld hl,$fc45 ;starting location
ld b,7-1 ;width-1
hloop: ld (hl),a
inc hl
djnz hloop
ld (hl),a
On Sun, 2 May 1999 01:07:17 EDT writes:
>I am using the built in call _ILine to draw the lines for my program,
>however, it leaves junk on the graphscreen that cannot be cleared, and
>also shows that junk even after I clear the screen. I need a better
>drawing routine. All I am doing is drawing horizontal and vertical
>nothing big. Can anyone help me?
>.db "Patrick Gray",0
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