A86: Fade in routine...
A86: Fade in routine...
I have decided to write a little routine for my title screen that fades
in (keep in mind I just started programming in assembly <no giggles
Basically what it is suppose to do is set the contrast to zero and then
increment it until it becomes the original contrast as defined by
However I seem to get the following errors
#407 Apparent illegal inirection: "($C008)" : see comments for position
#406 Unused data in MS byte of argument
I am using Assembly Studio 86 but I am sure that this is probally just
another one of my stupid screw ups that I can't seem to figure out...
ld a,$00 ; sets contrast to zero
out (2),a ; leaves contrast byte alone
ld a,21
ld (_penCol),a ; x=21, 1
ld a,1
ld (_penRow),a
ld hl,titlestring ; load the title string
call _vputs ; output the title string
ld a,22
ld (_penCol),a
ld a,56
ld (_penRow),a
ld hl,email
call _vputs
ld a,$00
inc a
out (2),a
cp ($C008) ; both errors occur here
jp z, _done_screen_fade
jp _screen_fade_in
ret ; return to main
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