A86: Re: Re: BASIC & inverts! HELP!
A86: Re: Re: BASIC & inverts! HELP!
You need to find all vars on the calc of type program. I haven't done this
much, so there's probably a much better way, but a loop like this should
work. My question for you rom call gurus, is there a call to sequentially
search the VAT? Seems kind of silly to search the whole VAT for the next
matching name, then search it again to pull up the found name:
ld hl,StartingName ; init the loop
rst 20h ; copy name to OP1
sub a ; clear A -- search only program vars
call _FindAlphaUp ; find next matching name in the VAT
jr c,DoneSearchingVAT ; if carry, then we're at the end
rst 10h ; grab name from the VAT (_FINDSYM)
call _ex_ahl_bde ; _FINDSYM returns in AHL, swap to BDE
call _check_asm ; is it an asm program?
jr z,VATSearchLoop ; we can skip those
call _get_word_ahl ; copy the first to bytes to DE (we can skip that)
call _get_word_ahl ; get next two bytes
; yeah, this part sucks, but I'm lazy :)
ld a,'t' ; 't'
cp e ; check first char
jr nz,VATSearchLoop ; didn't find it, continue loop
ld a,'e'
cp d
jr nz,VATSearchLoop
call _get_word_ahl
ld a,'x'
cp e
jr nz,VATSearchLoop
ld a,'t'
cp d
jr nz,VATSearchLoop
; when you get here, you should have one of your programs
; you're on your own :)
.db $12,1,0
> Okay, the Text Editor program, available at ticalc.org works like this.
> Say you write a BASIC prog like this
> :edit
> :Welcome to the Editor
> Then, the editor reads for the first line to be "edit". If it is, then
> it shows up in the menu bar of the Text Editor program, and all text
> after the command "edit" is converted to small font. I'm trying to find
> out how this works, but I have no idea how the asm prog, Text Editor,
> searches for that line in the BASIC progs on your calc, because you can
> have as many Text Editor files as you want. If anyone understands now,
> please HELP!