Re: A86: Displaying multiple lines of text...
Re: A86: Displaying multiple lines of text...
this should display one column of text:
ld hl,strings
push hl
ld hl,$0000 ;start top left
ld de,$0700 ;each line is 7 pixels high
ld b,5 ;5 strings/lines
loop_a: ld (_penCol),hl
ex (sp),hl
call _vputs
ex (sp),hl
add hl,de
djnz loop_a
pop hl
text would be like this:
.db "first line",0
.db "second line",0
.db "third",0,"fourth",0
.db "etc.",0
to do a table, have a couple of sets of strings and display them at
different columns across the screen.
On Wed, 24 Mar 1999 19:11:33 -0500 Timothy Kong <>
> Referring to this previous post, what is the easiest way to display
>the text formatted? Entering a lot spaces would be too hard and
>tedious because they don't take up the same amount of space as
>letters. My plan is to print out some text about chemistry in columns
>to organize the data. there will be multiple "pages" of information.
>Any help would be
>greatly appreciated.
>On Thu, 18 Mar 1999 19:48:41 -0500 Timothy Kong <>
>> Can anyone show me a short example of how to display multiple lines
>>of text on the graph screen (_vputs) from a "table" of text
>>polyions.85s, Polyatomic Ion List by Wayne Chen)?
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