A86: Re: BASIC & inverts! HELP!
A86: Re: BASIC & inverts! HELP!
To call an asm program from a basic program, use the Asm( command, like
normal. You could make the command into an ASAP token (like Stat/Financial
add-ons or the basic enhancement pack Keith Batten made), but would be much
more work than needed for this.
All you need is a little program to invert the inverse text flag:
ld hl,$c3ea
ld a,8
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
Every time this is run, it will switch text printing between regular and
inverted. (of course, this program's more fun:
3E0121EEC3AE773E4021FDC3AE77C9 :)
> HELP! I'm trying to write an ASM prog that can be used to do inverted
> text in basic. It's supposed to look for the line
> :invert
> in a BASIC prog and invert all pixels after that point.
> To end it, you would put the command again...how do I make the asm read
> for that line in a basic prog?