A86: Z80 programming competition
A86: Z80 programming competition
Do you dare to take part in the world's only Z80 programming competition?
Icarus Productions is proud to announce ZPC (Z80 programming competition),
the only competition where the programming language is Z80 assembler. This
is your chance to show your Z80 capabilities, and compete with others!
Check out http://icarus.ticalc.org/ for more information! (Features -> ZPC)
What is it?
The Z80 Programming Competition (from now on refered to as ZPC) is a
programming competition where the objective is to write small and/or fast
routines (functions) in Z80 assembly. The routine(s) should solve one or
more problems, stated in each round. Each round will last for one or more
weeks (depending on the nature of the problems) and will contain one to
four problems.
What kind of problems will there be?
All problems will be platform independent; the routine should work on
all kind of computers and electronical devices with a Z80 processor.
The problems will most of the time be quite simple to solve; the
competition is about making the program as small (in bytes) as possible
and/or as fast (in T-states) as possible.
Some (short) problem statments could be to write a routine that...
...mirrors the bits in a byte (ie, turn 10110100b into 00101101b).
...converts a string to uppercase.
...sorts a set of 8 bit integers using a specific algorithm.
This is not a beauty contest! If your code looks nice and clean, it's
a bad sign! :-)
Jimmy Mårdell "Applications programming is a race between
mailto:yarin@acc.umu.se software engineers, who strive to produce
http://www.acc.umu.se/~yarin/ idiot-proof programs, and the Universe
ICQ #: 14193765 which strives to produce bigger idiots."