A86: Switching Pages
A86: Switching Pages
I am having a prolem with my program for the some laws in Math.
I tried to make a program that would show one page of laws, then when I
press MORE, I would be able to see another page. I had done it on an 85 and
thought it would be the same for the 86 but somehow something is going
Here is the code, wondering if anyone can spot the problem that I am having.
Most of the text is missing so some of the labels may not be on it.
#include "asm86.h"
#include "ti86asm.inc"
#include "ti86math.inc"
#include "ti86ops.inc"
#include "ti86abs.inc"
.org _asm_exec_ram ;need at the start of every 86 program
nop ;Identifies the table
jp Start
.dw $0000 ;Version # of Table
.dw Title ;Absolute pointer to program description
call _clrLCD
ld d,2
ld hl,Name
ld b,19
call Put_Text
call GET_KEY ;places value of button in a
cp K_EXIT ;checks if a is the same as K_EXIT
ret z ;if it is exit
cp K_MORE ;checks for K_MORE
jr z,More_Screens ;if it is get more screens
jr Wait_Key ;do the loop again
call _clrLCD
ld hl,Name
ld b,3
call Put_Text
ld a,d ;moves page counter into a for comparison
cp 1
jr z,First_Diff_Page
cp 2
jr z,Second_Diff_Page
ld d,1 ;changes page counter to first page
ld hl,DiffSecondPage
ld b,16
call Put_Text
jr Wait_Key
;Prints out the text pointed to by hl
;the first number it points to is the column, the second is the row, and the
third is the text
ld a,(hl)
ld (_penCol),a
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
ld (_penRow),a
inc hl
call _vputs
djnz Put_Text
.db 0,15,"[cu]",0 ;one of the text that I am trying to show.