Re: A86: *NEW* proposal...
Re: A86: *NEW* proposal...
I wont copy and paste the whole message but I mean yeah thats all great.
However, I do not feel that the U.S. Gov. is falling seeing our economy at its
highest in years and the employment rate sky high. And 1 review every 5 hours?
Common people do have *real* lives everything is not calculators. Yes they are
nice to have but please. Everything else I thought to be pretty good. Oh one
more thing. Doing something like deleting something you know wont be hurt,
doesn't reflect on if it is admitted it was a person acting alone.
I believe it is to late for They are not going to listen to us
most likely. And the whole thing with the 'high horse' what is that garbage?
If someone was really like that then they need pysciatric(spelling) help.