Re: A86: Dismissal from - Repsonse to's reasons
Re: A86: Dismissal from - Repsonse to's reasons
Okay. I can see both view points, but I feel that it is now a moot point.
Yes, they should have talked of it to you more, but Bryan, they fired
you. Get over it. If you want to stay active in the ti community, start a
new page! I'll gladly help in my free time!
If you were fired from a paying job at a real company, you wouldn't waste
bandwidth on their internal network bashing them. It is not only
unprofessional, it is illegal. Anyway, I recall you yourself, Bryan,
trying to keep offtopic posts to a minimum.
About the boycott, I think it is stupid. We have lost several talented
programmers from this list. Microsoft has done worse stuff than ticalc
did, but are you are all still using Windows, because it is the best out
there for today's applications (don't respond Linux and Mac people! I
don't want to start a war over this!).
Ticalc was, is, and will be one of the best calculator sites on the net,
even without Bryan (no offence). The file archive and news page will go
I guess what I am trying to say is that this should be a hobby where
everyone gets along. Not the clan-wars between rival pages that it has
turned out to be.
Just my $20
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