Re: A86: Re: OT: Transferring files.
Re: A86: Re: OT: Transferring files.
You know, this OT thread is really starting to
annoy me, so try this:
1)Find a program on your HD (or HDs) called
"DIRECTCC.EXE", it will usually be
in the windows folder.
2)Make sure you have that program is on both boxes
(if not, skip to Direction "B")
3)Run the program on both boxes
4)Cross fingers, hope it works
or, if you cannot find the program in either box;
1)Go to the "Add/Remove Programs" icon in the
"Control Panel" (I feel like I am
writing a "how to" manual for newbies)
2)Go to the "Windows Setup" tab
3)Click on "Communications"
4)Click on the "Details" button in the same
5)Check the box next to "Direct Cable Connection"
6)Click the "OK" button
7)Click the "OK" button
8)Stick your Windows 9x cd in your cd-rom drive
(you do have a Windows 9x cd
9)Restart your computer
10)Go to Step "3" of Direction "A"
I hope this is the right program. If this does not
work, feel free to call MS
tech support and wait on hold for a long while,
then be ready to be laughed at
by the tech support guy when you say "no" when he
asks "Can't you figure this
out by yourself? We made windows to be somewhat
Jean Vásquez
Jean Vásquez
Sr. Vice President
Dark Horizon Studios
AOL Instant Messenger: Leon Pierr
ICQ #: 14164471
warhorse wrote:
> This is a response to many.
> > I think that Win 3.1/95/98 comes with a program to connect 2 computers. If
> > you've these OS, it must me on the CD
> Yea. I figured that. I looked, but none of the program names look familiar.
> Does anyone know the name?
> 1 word:
> compression
> Not a 10 meg self extracting file:)
> You need to open both modems by using the
> command ATA.
> How do I get to the modem's command prompt? Using a program would be a lot
> easier since a drag and drop interface would simplify the process so that
> anyone can use it. (Since nobody does ASM anymore, maybe someone could
> <cough><cough>)
> terrence