A86: Re: Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:13:27 PDT
A86: Re: Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:13:27 PDT
This is a pretty typical write-back routine. Any data between SettingData
and SettingDataEnd will be the same everytime the program is run. Just
remember that it does, of course, take up space in your program. It's too
bad there isn't a flag to set that would write back the program.
Sorry about the code, the comments make it a little messy :)
ld hl,ProgName ; point to program name
rst 20h ; load into OP1 with _MOV10TOOP1
rst 10h ; find it with _FINDSYM
ex de,hl ; point to start of variable
ld a,b ; get top of absolute pointer
ld de,SettingData-$d748+4 ; relative offset - 4
add hl,de ; form pointer to var
adc a,0 ; add carry
ld de,SettingData ; point to data in _asm_exec_ram
ld b,SettingDataEnd-SettingData ; copy entire length of SettingData
call _getb_ahl ; convert abs pointer
ld a,(de) ; read value
ld (hl),a ; save new value to variable
call _inc_ptr_ahl ; move to next destination byte
djnz SaveSettingsL ; loop for all bytes
.db $12,7,"program"
.db "This will be written back.",0
> How do you store a name loaded into hl (inputed by
> the user, kind of a high score thing, but with just a name) so it shows
> after you exit the program. I have it so it stays while i am in the
> program, but after I exit the program, the name I entered dissapears.
> If anyone has a routine to use, it would be apprecieated.