A86: Re: _ILine
A86: Re: _ILine
Hmm, never used _ILine, but you might see if any of these help:
res plotloc,(iy+plotflags)
res plotdisp,(iy+plotflags)
res graphdraw,(iy+graphflags)
If those don't work for you, I'd try Mardell's FastLine routine. It's bound
to be much faster than _ILine. You know that since those ROM routines
aren't using self modifying code to patch themselves, they're checking the
flags each time through the loop (or else there are entirely different
versions for each setting).
> does anybody know how to get _ILine to display _only_ to video mem, and
> to the graph screen. also, how to get the calc to not display pieces of
> graph screen when you call _ILine would be nice.